The National Reference Laboratory for Emissions from Internal Combustion Engines for Non-Road Mobile Machinery, financed from the European Structural and Investment Funds, is one of the most important and most significant projects of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb. Department of IC Engines and Transportation Systems will run the project under the supervision of project manager Professor Zoran Lulić, PhD.
The project aims to establish the National Reference Laboratory for Emissions from Internal Combustion Engines for Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRLE). The establishment of the laboratory will include the reconstruction and equipping of the existing IC Engine and Motor Vehicle Laboratory, the procurement of the laboratory and field-testing equipment, staff training and ultimately laboratory accreditation.
Climate change mitigation is one of five EU headline strategies for 2020. EU strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth where combating climate change is one of the key points in the field of environmental protection. The project seeks to improve air quality management and control system under Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on air quality and cleaner air for Europe through the implementation of emissions inventory system under EC directives. With this project, the Faculty will contribute to the improvement of the environmental information system through the establishment of a database and the collection of data on air pollutants emissions in non-road mobile machinery sector.
Laboratory and field-testing measurement equipment and experts trained to operate with this equipment will enable the introduction of a market surveillance mechanism and appropriate technical support to the relevant state bodies to implement a range of policies related to improving air quality and climate policies.